Go to the shortcut of Windows Movie Maker, right-click on it, and then choose "Properties". Try to fix it by changing the compatibility in the Properties. The Windows Movie Maker not working issues on Windows 11/10 can be caused by improper properties. Change the compatibility in the properties This change won't affect other video programs installed on your computer. From the pop-up small window, navigate to "Compatibility" tab, and disable any third-party video filter by clearing the checkboxes. At the top menu of Movie Maker, locate and click "Tools", and then click "Options". Then, Windows Movie Maker starts in safe mode. Enter "moviemk.exe /safemode" (likely, no quotation marks). At the command prompt, you should type in "CD \program files\movie maker" (don't type in quotation marks) and tap on Enter.

Navigate to "Accessories", and click "Command Prompt". The best possible solution to solve Windows Movie Maker not working on Windows 11/10 is to run it in safe mode and disable the incompatible video filter. This Windows Movie Maker error message will pop up if an incompatible video filter has been installed on your computer. Check any missing or corrupted system files How to Fix Windows Movie Maker Not Working on Windows 11/10/8(.1)/7/Vista?